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We Honor Veterans Program

We Honor Veterans Level 3

We Honor Veterans


Seva Hospice has partnered with the Veterans Administration and the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization by participating in the We Honor Veterans program providing veteran-centered hospice care for the veterans who choose our service.


We Honor Veterans was formed by the VA and NHPCO to address the needs of veterans facing life-limiting illnesses and their families. From helping eligible veterans obtain available benefits, to providing hospice care tailored to their specific wishes and needs, to specialized, ongoing training of hospice staff for awareness of veterans concerns, to assisting with funeral arrangements.


We Honor Veterans and local hospice providers like Seva Hospice seek to ensure the quality of life and care for veterans as they near the end of life while also honoring them for their military service.


For more information on We Honor Veterans please contact us or go to


If you have questions about our We Honor Veterans Program, please contact our Spiritual Care Counselor/Chaplain Chuck Adams at 209-499-1316 or email at

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